Operating your G Suite inbox on a separate domain to your logon address.
In a simple world a school would create a Google organization using the internet domain employed by the external website and public email and that would be the end of it.
Unfortunately we don’t live in a simple world and the direct relationship between the email address and the user logon is often affected by a change in circumstance
For instance, the school might be planning to consolidate under a standardised Trust or District logon as part of a rebranding exercise. Its also possible that the organisation was originally created using an domain that was less than ideal. After all east-walthamstow-college-of-arts.co.uk is a great descriptor but a tedious logon address.
Whatever the case most organizations are reluctant to give up an email address that is printed on stationary, external signage or embedded in software. So for a variety of reasons a school may require a different logon address to the one that routes mail.
In this example our fictional college wants to move to ewca.co.uk as the logon identifier for the long suffering students and staff but maintain east-walthamstow-college-of-arts.co.uk as the primary email address on all G Suite accounts. So how can this be achieved?
The first thing to understand is that in order to use ewca.co.uk for any purpose it must be registered within G Suite as a secondary domain. This process is fairly straightforward and is well documented by Google so there’s little point repeating it here.
Once the secondary domain is verified the G Suite administrator has ability to upgrade each users primary address from student@east-walthamstow-college-of-arts.co.uk to student@ewca.co.uk. It’s a simple select and save action, Google takes care of all the backend housekeeping with a few advisory notes that are listed later.
As soon as the account is updated the user can logon as student@ewca.co.uk while maintaining all the features and data of the original account. As a bonus the old student@east-walthamstow-college-of-arts.co.uk address is pinned to the account as an alias which allows the user to continue to receive mail.
Job done. Well not quite.
By default the primary (logon) address is the one that GMail uses when it sends mail. Therefore although the user can receive mail on student@east-walthamstow-college-of-arts.co.uk
they are sending on student@ewca.sch.uk which is not quite what we want.
Fortunately GMail has a way of fixing that.
In the 'Settings' dialog of the users GMail navigate to the 'Accounts' tab where you find the 'Send mail as' option.
Selecting 'Add another email address' allows the user to add the new alias as a send address after which it can be upgraded the new default (below).
Once that’s been done the account will send mail on the student@east-walthamstow-college-of-arts.co.uk address by default. The new address will be used to reply to mail regardless of the original send address.
This seems pretty straightforward but there’s an obvious problem. This is a user driven process, none of the actions can be controlled or managed from the admin console. Even allowing for a well informed student and staff body, publishing a crib-sheet for each user is going to lead to issues.
Mistyping the alias or failure to do anything at all will result in mail moving in unexpected directions. A manual process might be manageable for 100 users but not 1000+.
Faced with a problem like this the solution is always the same… send for GAM.
GAM is a open source project that exposes the Google API’s as a simple command line interface that you can use to build batch files. It’s an essential component of every G Suite admins toolkit.
Fortunately GAM has a command for this, as it has for most functions.
gam user student sendas student@east-walthamstow-college-of-arts.co.uk "Student" replyto student@east-walthamstow-college-of-arts.co.uk default treatasalias true
It should be pretty clear how each of the elements in the command relate to the options in the user dialog show above. Of course GAM can also help out with the first part of the project, updating the users primary logon address using a command similar to that shown below.
gam update user student username student@ewca.co.uk
Therefore the process is reduced to running two GAM commands on each user account.
- Change the users primary logon account to the new secondary domain.
- Update the default send address to the email alias created by the first command.
Note: GAM provides methods to draw data from CSV files that will update 100’s of users in single command .
For a large school it’s not recommended that to do this in the middle of the day. The process of renaming can take up to 10 minutes to propagate across all services and you must allow at least 24 hours for the directory to catch up. Like all major updates it should be handled using proper change control mechanisms and tested on a subset of users.
A couple of points worth noting.
The GMail user still has the ability to update the Send address by updating the configuration in the settings dialog. GAM will make change but it’s not locked down in any way. The more curious user can and probably will mess with this at some point.
Lastly, larger organisations may be using utilities such as Google Cloud Directory Sync to maintain G Suite user accounts which adds an additional degree of complexity. In this case the update to the primary user logon needs to be matched with a change in the synchronization rules otherwise you run the risk of creating duplicate accounts. Again it’s best to test on group of test users first.
Happy GAM’ing.