Tuesday 2 February 2021

Managing Local Groups with InTune

For most IT administrators control over local user groups is an important part of the management process. Unfortunately for Windows devices that are Azure joined this has always been a bit of a challenge.

Working with InTune there was a CSP Policy - RestrictedGroups that you could use but it had a number of limitations.

  • It didn’t support groups, only user accounts.
  • It had an overwrite feature – it simply replaced the original user list with users in the policy set so the results were a little unpredictable. If a user account had been added to the Local Admins group to support a legacy application it would be removed when the new policy set was applied. You couldn’t create policies that layered accounts into the group.
  • It only controlled the local Admin group, not any of the other in-built local groups.

However with Windows 10, version 20H2 you get a new feature – the ability to control access to local groups by nesting an Azure AD security group.

The initial setup is a bit of a challenge but once done it’s a useful tool to have at your disposal.

The first job is to create a Azure AD security group to contain your new local admins, let's call it  - All Additional Local Device Admins.

The second task is to find the SID of your new group.

Unfortunately you can’t read the information from the web UI because it doesn’t display the SID.  However it can be found with the Graph API/ Explorer using the Group Object ID which is presented as part of the Group properties page.

With the Object ID recorded, login to the Graph API/ Explorer and run a GET query using the form of the request below.

https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/<your Group ID>


The group metadata will be displayed in the results window and this will include the SID. Record this value.

This next task is to create a policy that uses the SID to embed your AD Azure group into the local Admins Group.

Navigate to 

        Microsoft Device Management (Intune) - Devices - Windows - Configuration Profiles

Create a new Configuration Profile - type Custom. Provide an appropriate name and description.

Add a new OMA-URI setting using the ID below for the OMA-URL identifier.



The payload for this policy is in the Value field.

It contains a snippet of XML that defines the action. The options that you can incorporate can provide a lot of flexibility allowing you to add or overwrite the contents of any local group but for the moment let's keep to the original requirement to update the local Admin group.


<accessgroup desc = "Administrators">

<group action = "U"/>

<add member = "S-1-12-1-3360748891-1147449691-4205429123-2160019913"/>

<remove member = ""/>



The code contains the instructions to update “U” the “Administrators” group by adding the SID “S-1-12-1-3360748891-1147449691-4205429123-2160019913” which we already know references the Azure Group All Additional Local Device Admins

The XML has a number of different action types including Restrict “R” which provides the same functionality as the RestrictedGroups/ConfigureGroupMembership policy setting.

You can get full list of actions and options here.

Save the policy and assign it to a suitable Device security group. There’s no option to select a single device so it’s best to test it out on a test group first before trusting your luck (and job) to All Devices.

You will now find that adding an Azure AD user account to the All Additional Local Device Admins group will grant admin rights on a policy refresh. Even better, removing the user will remove admin rights on the next login.

If you use the local MMC to view the members of the Admin group you can see the new Group account added, but only as the SID.The name is not resolved.

Of course there’s no reason why you couldn’t use the same technique to control the membership of other local groups such as Backup Operator. Just be aware that although this works with all Windows 10 editions, other than Home you need to be on version 20H2 to get this new feature

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